Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Light of the World.... All Year Long

The Light of the world.
           Tonight was somewhat anti-climatic as we took down all of the Christmas decoration at the Church and put them into storage for one more year.  I came a few minutes early to take some pictures of the decorations before they were taken down.  (Thank you Walker's and Raynard's for your hard work tonight!)

          As I thought about putting away the decorations, it struck me that these decorations have been up for about a month.  One month out of the year we celebrate the birth of the King of Kings.  One month each year we sing Christmas carols/hymns and on Christmas Eve many people gather to celebrate Jesus, coming into the world.

         I wonder, if we celebrated Jesus all year long instead of just for a season, how might life be different?  Would people be more kind to each other?  Might we be a little more friendly with those we meet in store lines or while pumping gas or waiting in a line somewhere?

Panoramic of Christmas decorations.
          Hey, why not try it for a while!  Instead of putting away all that Christmas means until we bring out the decorations again next year... lets live with Christmas in our hearts all year round...  Kindness, love, friendliness, sacrificial life...  Hm-m-m-m....

1 comment:

  1. Post script... I have learned that other families thought the greens were to be taken down the following night and that is why they were not present to help...
