Monday, March 19, 2012

Is it God's Will that Whitney Houston Died?

      I've been sitting on this post for a few weeks and want to share it with you now.   I read a post about Whitney Houston's death.  In it the writer stated that because of her belief in God that she was now in heaven.  Tucked into the post were these words...
            "Had she loved Jesus with all her heart and all
            her soul and been able to lead the life He
            speaks about in His word,.... perhaps she
            would have beaten those demons once
            and for all. But God called her home to be
            with Him, (probably as act of mercy!)" 
So was it God's will for Ms. Houston to die as she did?
      Many people use those words, "God called her/him home" in an attempt to comfort those who grieve.  Unfortunately those words may cause more pain than comfort.  Innocent people die every day.  Some die because there bodies have grown old and their vital organs can no longer keep their bodies alive.  Some die because of a trauma to their body such as heart attacks and car accidents.  Some people bring on their own traumas from lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, drugs).  Others die before they take their first breath (stillborn, miscarriage, abortions).  So which of these would you say was God's will?  Which type of death best glorifies God?   Is this an act of mercy by God for people to die other than old age or martyrdom?
      I don't think I can say yes.  I believe God gives us a life to live in hopes that we will come into a relationship with God that will last for all eternity.  God gives us a will and a brain to make choices to either glorify God or to not glorify God.  Sometimes, whether we believe in Jesus as our Savior or not, we make life ending choices and it hurts the people we love.
     Bottom line.  Was it God's will that Ms. Houston die in a bathtub?  I have great doubts about that.  Was it God's will that Ms. Houston live a life that glorified God, even in the midst of some of the difficult moments that she must have lived through?  Absolutely!  So please be careful what you say to those walking through a season of their lives dealing with death... I know I would not walk up to her grieving daughter and say,  "It was God's will that your mother die in a bathtub", which is what she would hear when you say, "God called her home".

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What would Noah's Ark Mean If Found?

          I remember watching a program with my mom many moons ago about Noah's Ark and how a young Turkish boy had found a piece of wood high up in a mountain range.  If I remember correctly, it was my first year in college, I was still attending church and I was a believer that Jesus was my Savior.  Having said that, I was still in the infancy of my faith.  I believed, but it was far from an everyday/every moment relationship with God the Father.

          The show caused the question to be asked, "What would Noah's ark mean if found?"  Would it cause an immediate growth for churches?  Would it bolster the faith of believers?  Would people who believe the Old Testament stories are just fantasy finally believe they are true?  Would people who are on the fence with God finally believe?  What about those who do not believe in the God of the Bible?

          For me it would make no difference as I already believe that Noah and the flood account happened.  It would only validate what I know is already true.  For people looking at the Bible as fantasy or sitting on the fence, it might help them to re-evaluate their faith in God.  However, I do not see it creating an immediate surge in church attendance.  For those who do not believe, it probably would not change their minds or hearts as they are already hardened against God.

          When it comes down to belief, the Bible already contains everything we need to know in order to come to faith in God.  Remember, the glory of God has been on display for all to see by just looking at the world around us.  So for those who refuse to admit to at least a higher power or intelligent designer now, I doubt an ark found in the mountains would change their minds or soften their hearts toward God. 

          God is not dependent on Finding Noah's Ark for people to come to faith in God.  No, God is depending on you and me to share the good news with those around us.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit, living faith-filled lives and sharing the reason for our faith will those around us come to eternal life and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Is there somewhere I can gain wisdom?

      Some people seem to have it, while others cannot seem to obtain it.  I am talking about common sense.  It seems some people are born with common sense while others seem to lack any of it at all. Common sense is defined by Merriam-Webster as, "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts."   So some people seem born with "sound and prudent judgment"... but what about the rest of us... is there any hope?
      Yes!  There is wisdom... and according to Albert Einstein wisdom can be acquired over time.  But Einstein does not say how!  So what must you study to acquire wisdom... medical textbooks, engineering textbooks.... (and the list goes on).

       In the first chapter of Proverbs, Wisdom calls out to us to listen to her voice... to learn from her and to gain knowledge, wisdom and discipline.  Wisdom says, "...I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you."  But wisdom was rejected. (Pro 1:23,24)

       The book of Proverbs is the book of wisdom in the Bible.  It's been said that if you would simply follow the guidelines (wisdom) in this book, one could obtain wealth and material satisfaction in this life (although these do not make for a great life).  However, the trick is to not only read and learn, but to discipline your life and follow the teaching of this book.  It is a smart thing to know, it is wisdom that causes you to act rightly.

       So even if people say you have no common sense there is hope.  By reading Proverbs and applying its lessons to your life you will gain wisdom and I believe live a more satisfying and Godly life.  Others will note your wisdom, which in my mind helps you act with common sense.  Read Proverbs and apply it to your life, and you will never be disappointed that you did!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Light of the World.... All Year Long

The Light of the world.
           Tonight was somewhat anti-climatic as we took down all of the Christmas decoration at the Church and put them into storage for one more year.  I came a few minutes early to take some pictures of the decorations before they were taken down.  (Thank you Walker's and Raynard's for your hard work tonight!)

          As I thought about putting away the decorations, it struck me that these decorations have been up for about a month.  One month out of the year we celebrate the birth of the King of Kings.  One month each year we sing Christmas carols/hymns and on Christmas Eve many people gather to celebrate Jesus, coming into the world.

         I wonder, if we celebrated Jesus all year long instead of just for a season, how might life be different?  Would people be more kind to each other?  Might we be a little more friendly with those we meet in store lines or while pumping gas or waiting in a line somewhere?

Panoramic of Christmas decorations.
          Hey, why not try it for a while!  Instead of putting away all that Christmas means until we bring out the decorations again next year... lets live with Christmas in our hearts all year round...  Kindness, love, friendliness, sacrificial life...  Hm-m-m-m....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas...and a Happy New BIBLE Year!

       Merry Christmas friends! I hope and pray that you were able to enjoy Jesus' birthday this past weekend. It can get so busy during Christmas, it is easy to forget about spending time with God. One of the most comforting thoughts for me is that even if I forget about God, God is faithful and does not forget about me.

      One of the most difficult things for those who are Christians is to be able to spend some time in God's word. Last year many took on the challenge of reading the Bible in one year! I know some were able to successfully complete this challenge, and while others may not have completed it, they did read more than they thought they could.

      I encourage you to do it again this coming year... Each time through the Bible, I not only learn more, I also understand more of God.  I draw closer to God while learning more about who God created me to be. As I read, God is faithful to speak to me when I meet with Him daily.              
       As always, before you begin reading ask God to meet you and speak to you as you read. Talk to God as you read about what the text is saying. I believe God is faithful to meet with you each time you read this way. Finally, note one, maybe two thoughts from your reading and think about it throughout the day. See how God speaks to you through these thoughts.

Have a safe and wonderful New Year celebration!

Blessings :-)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where's the line to see Jesus?

       As we approach Christmas, there is a spirit in the air of joy because of the festivities of the season.  Shopping for food and presents, trees and items used to decorate homes and the places we work. We get caught up in the commercialism of the season and our focus is sometimes removed from the most important aspect of this season.
       A mom was out with her son at a mall shopping for Christmas presents and he saw a line of kids waiting to see Santa.  The little boy turned to his mother and asked her where the line to see Jesus was.  Well this mother related this story to her Dad, who then got the idea for a song.  After fiddling with lyrics and music, he came up with the song titled, "Where's The Line To See Jesus?"
       His other daughter is presented in this video which reminds us why there is a holiday season we call Christmas.  