Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What would Noah's Ark Mean If Found?

          I remember watching a program with my mom many moons ago about Noah's Ark and how a young Turkish boy had found a piece of wood high up in a mountain range.  If I remember correctly, it was my first year in college, I was still attending church and I was a believer that Jesus was my Savior.  Having said that, I was still in the infancy of my faith.  I believed, but it was far from an everyday/every moment relationship with God the Father.

          The show caused the question to be asked, "What would Noah's ark mean if found?"  Would it cause an immediate growth for churches?  Would it bolster the faith of believers?  Would people who believe the Old Testament stories are just fantasy finally believe they are true?  Would people who are on the fence with God finally believe?  What about those who do not believe in the God of the Bible?

          For me it would make no difference as I already believe that Noah and the flood account happened.  It would only validate what I know is already true.  For people looking at the Bible as fantasy or sitting on the fence, it might help them to re-evaluate their faith in God.  However, I do not see it creating an immediate surge in church attendance.  For those who do not believe, it probably would not change their minds or hearts as they are already hardened against God.

          When it comes down to belief, the Bible already contains everything we need to know in order to come to faith in God.  Remember, the glory of God has been on display for all to see by just looking at the world around us.  So for those who refuse to admit to at least a higher power or intelligent designer now, I doubt an ark found in the mountains would change their minds or soften their hearts toward God. 

          God is not dependent on Finding Noah's Ark for people to come to faith in God.  No, God is depending on you and me to share the good news with those around us.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit, living faith-filled lives and sharing the reason for our faith will those around us come to eternal life and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.