Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas...and a Happy New BIBLE Year!

       Merry Christmas friends! I hope and pray that you were able to enjoy Jesus' birthday this past weekend. It can get so busy during Christmas, it is easy to forget about spending time with God. One of the most comforting thoughts for me is that even if I forget about God, God is faithful and does not forget about me.

      One of the most difficult things for those who are Christians is to be able to spend some time in God's word. Last year many took on the challenge of reading the Bible in one year! I know some were able to successfully complete this challenge, and while others may not have completed it, they did read more than they thought they could.

      I encourage you to do it again this coming year... Each time through the Bible, I not only learn more, I also understand more of God.  I draw closer to God while learning more about who God created me to be. As I read, God is faithful to speak to me when I meet with Him daily.              
       As always, before you begin reading ask God to meet you and speak to you as you read. Talk to God as you read about what the text is saying. I believe God is faithful to meet with you each time you read this way. Finally, note one, maybe two thoughts from your reading and think about it throughout the day. See how God speaks to you through these thoughts.

Have a safe and wonderful New Year celebration!

Blessings :-)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where's the line to see Jesus?

       As we approach Christmas, there is a spirit in the air of joy because of the festivities of the season.  Shopping for food and presents, trees and items used to decorate homes and the places we work. We get caught up in the commercialism of the season and our focus is sometimes removed from the most important aspect of this season.
       A mom was out with her son at a mall shopping for Christmas presents and he saw a line of kids waiting to see Santa.  The little boy turned to his mother and asked her where the line to see Jesus was.  Well this mother related this story to her Dad, who then got the idea for a song.  After fiddling with lyrics and music, he came up with the song titled, "Where's The Line To See Jesus?"
       His other daughter is presented in this video which reminds us why there is a holiday season we call Christmas.  